Sunday, June 10, 2007

when do you ever grow out of feeling pain?
when do you exactly stop feeling pain?
when did you ever realise what you're feeling is pain?
yes, pain.
everyone feels it.

slow songs playing.
von's emo-ing.

no idea. because it's stressful for her?
maybe... maybe not.

von's stressed. but she doesnt know the reason.
might be because of the people around her.
the feeling's overwhelming. so strong that she herself cant take it anymore.
oh.. she doesnt even know the reason.

im gonna break down real soon. it's waiting to be erupted.
once erupted, there's no turning back. it's patiently waiting.
sometimes, being alone is the best thing to do.
and yet sometimes, you just gotta need that one or two person beside you, encouraging you, supporting you.

life is sad. like is unfair. life is just like that.
you dont always get what you want. but in the end,
you gotta live with it. why? coz THIS IS LIFE
it's full of ups and downs.
it pains to feel hurt. it hurts to feel pain.
but sometimes, it also draws down to this..
everyone need someone, somehow, somewhere.
cause loneliness is the worst feeling anyone could ever have.
you can have so many friends. but when you really need someone,
no one's ever there. just sometimes.
so, von jia you! you can do it! yeah~

i worked with you today.u seem interested. u seemed happy when im around. i asked u why were u smiling. u said coz i was there. i really wonder if it's true. coz i really do miss u. so tell me what u feel would u? if not, i'll be dying here. just for an answer. sigh~
dying you destroyed our death
rising you restored our life
lord jesus, come in glory~
> von out <

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