Saturday, March 15, 2008


hello world.
this is my 200th post.

i shall be emo once again.
very long no emomo..

i have friends coming to tell me that
'you dont look as happy as before, probably youve grown up'
'oh ya, your cheeks are very prominent, they tell when youre sad'
'youve matured quite a lot compared to last time'

is this true? im not as happy as before?
or is it because that whenever you guys see me, im in a sad mood?
or is it because of what some people are doing to me that makes me feel uneasy?
or is it because that i really have grown up quite a far bit?
or is it just because of me, myself and i?

no one knows the answer but the One up there.
im sorry that ive neglected You for quite some time now.
i know that i should not have done that.
but projects come all together.
leaving me with not enough sleep.
and when im finally done with the projects,
i regret.
i lay down and tears flow.
i need to repent.
please dont blame me.
im still trying to be the best i can.
and i haven lose faith in You.
thank you for understanding.

i miss so many people now.
life is so so **********************~~

and God. i pray
grant me the strength to move on.
grant me the courage to fight.
grant me more knowledge of stuff.
grant me good memory for exams!
and lastly,
grant me and people around me happiness!!!

heal my, heartsick~
i cant take the distance
i cant take the miles
i cant take the time till i next see you smile~

¿ ~ von ~ ?

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