Wednesday, April 04, 2007


just wana shout out....

we are going out later!! yay!! haha cant wait!!~~~
hope you'll have fun whatever you do today sabai!!!

von's been working for these few days.
coz there are not enough staff at the shop.
and so, today...
reporters came to interview our shop.
Da Kor chose a few of our staff to go be models...
and i managed to get two of my favourite people in my cam!!
von's damn happy!! and von's qiemnastic~ lalala~~

von, haqiem
this is Haqiem.. dressed in punk rock style..
posing for the cam with yours truly!
p/s: he is also known as my fake boyfriend!
hahaha coz he sayang me alot lot!!
looks scary to me sometimes though...
afro, von
this is Afro... who is also known as my kawan baik!!!
hahaha i just loveeeee his hair...
coz it's the natural kind of curl!!!
and it really looks like maggi-mee!!!
it goes 'doing' when you pull it!!! haha
he too, sayang me alot... haha
von's so loved by the people around her~

your face, your smile, your care towards me,
just brightens up my day.
you wiped my tears away,
even though i did not really cry.
you held my hand today,
i felt that i was the happiest person alive.
you took my hand and pulled me aside,
just to get the chance to talk to me.
you told my friend that you would wait for
a while before you confess,
but that's already enough for me.
because our hearts belong together.
we beat as one.
for you and i both know
what we really feel inside
bout each other.
i heart you and you heart me.
that's all.
hey hey you you
i know that you like me
no way no way
no it's not a secret
hey hey you you
i want to be your girlfriend~
~ von out ~

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