Tuesday, November 06, 2007


ok.. here's is what my title means!! haha
watch the video and laugh at me! yeah?
it's called flambe.. a french word..
is the kind of cooking where you set the food on fire! hah!
nah.. it's just a showmanship..
trainer was teaching us last night. and only the DHM (diploma in hotel management) are allowed to learn.. cause we are tested. *damn*
so all of us tried.. hahaha quite fun actually!
but very scary too.. when you gonna flambe in front of the guests...

this is what von flambed.. it's called lobster bisque~
something like a soup.. but most of us dont like it..
the smell is too too strong and smelly! haha
but von's bisque tasted quite nice actually as there were not much fishy smell~
hahahahaha happy!! there.. updated already! =)
have fun drooling!!!!!!

lobster bisque~

no one told me i was going to find you
unexpected what you did to my heart
when i lost hope you were there to remind me
this is the start

>> von out <<

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